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Top winners and losers 2025-01-16 to 2025-01-17

*Only showing items with a daily gold volume of at least 1,000,000.
Daily gold volume and daily trade volume (Liquidity index) are measured from the past 14 days.

Chg% Item Current Price Daily Gold Volume Liquidity Index
+3% SUPER|brie+ 16,596 1,517,827,392 94,336.00
+7% 2025 Charm 754 42,988,809 64,065.85
+10% Rift 2025 Charm 1,578 43,921,325 30,807.77
+7% Snowball Charm 539 16,877,479 29,531.92
+2% Festive Jingle Bell 49,093 1,500,182,541 24,453.92
+2% Cloud Cheesecake 1,803 34,602,258 21,335.15
+56% 2024 Charm 874 7,544,797 12,225.08
+2% Chrome Charm 878 11,486,269 12,124.46
+1% Gilded Charm 25,857 197,717,353 7,682.31
+6% Bottled Wind 24,691 148,906,170 6,084.85
+4% Beanster Cheese 9,355 37,882,237 4,667.46
+1% Gauntlet String Cheese 10,157 38,886,847 3,931.38
+16% Spore Charm 307 1,525,579 3,524.62
+3% Extreme Dragonbane Charm 47,469 123,168,561 2,647.85
+5% Queso Pump Charm 6,893 13,825,193 1,978.62
+2% Rift Power Charm 1,058 2,015,333 1,841.85
+6% Rift Super Vacuum Charm 2,020 2,962,328 1,692.38
+10% Cyclone Stone 4,363 6,597,702 1,663.62
+3% Rainbow Spore Charm 66,623 76,635,977 1,188.54
+3% Ultimate Spore Charm 28,051 32,025,534 1,163.31
+1% Wild Tonic 92,943 96,063,005 1,133.54
+2% Super Wax Charm 14,571 14,106,040 1,071.77
+25% Valentine Charm 9,499 9,395,201 1,013.92
+3% Magical Holiday Hat 2,004,776 2,128,017,037 1,006.62
+3% Fire Bowl Fuel 31,374 28,611,828 933.31
+4% Ultimate Dragonbane Charm 272,686 227,239,636 859.15
+1% Lantern Oil Charm 57,479 37,655,982 693.69
+1% Gnarled Charm 1,730 1,014,049 686.69
+2% Extreme Regal Charm 21,486 11,969,127 596.38
+9% Cherry Charm 2,308 1,170,841 547.46
+6% Rift Antiskele Charm 5,458 2,128,427 388.69
+2% Ultimate Wealth Charm 44,636 10,111,755 235.54
+14% Ultimate Regal Charm 62,125 12,711,637 220.31
+1% Super Lantern Oil Charm 171,274 27,597,645 166.62
+1% Rift Rainbow Spore Charm 152,000 23,540,518 161.23
+2% Compass Magnet Charm 41,681 6,405,509 144.38
+6% Portal Scrambler 120,320 15,425,535 140.23
+1% Maki Cheese 18,830 1,417,348 82.08
+13% Silver Bolt 123,281 6,276,846 42.62
+2% Ultimate Anchor Charm 1,400,319 53,994,334 39.62
+14% Warpath Portal Console 4,302,727 85,094,745 23.85
+4% Warpath Portal Core 4,240,907 85,810,400 23.31
+5% Golden Goose Feather 2,240,491 43,440,702 21.54
+6% Really, Really Shiny Precious Gold 81,904 1,819,325 19.62
+3% Magic Nest Dust 5,166,890 89,935,652 19.46
+8% Predatory Processor 861,468 13,315,271 16.54
+5% Golden Goose 34,606,158 391,987,258 11.77
+25% Super Queso Pump Charm 187,777 1,146,359 7.31
+37% Hibernating Snow Boulder Trap Skin 250,000 1,472,802 5.92
+16% Temporal Shadow Plate 16,656,666 80,665,769 5.69
+3% Sandblasted Metal 5,400,000 24,357,911 5.31
+17% Slushy Crafting Kit 6,440,000 33,130,256 4.92
+39% Magical Eggsweeper Fertilizer 3,358,563 15,070,634 4.69
+17% Oasis Bead 375,000 1,259,251 3.77
+1% Kalor'ignis Rib 93,462,814 294,159,869 3.38
+2% Mythical Dragon Heart 334,699,999 1,104,858,252 3.38
+14% Chrome Dragon Slayer Cannon Upgrade Kit 59,999,999 150,512,469 2.62
+2% Chrome Circlet of Pursuing Upgrade Kit 60,000,000 63,103,820 1.15
+8% Large Dragon's Supply Hoard 102,857,143 100,769,231 1.00
+1% Chrome Celestial Dissonance Upgrade Kit 66,000,000 49,568,376 0.77
+103% Royal Chrome Storm Wrought Ballista Trap Skin 4,000,000 1,219,231 0.54
+15% Party Size Gilded Birthday Scroll Case 71,999,999 15,153,846 0.23
+18% Valentine Heart Core Trap Skin 39,000,000 8,538,462 0.23
+6% Chrome Bride of Obliteration Trap Skin 29,251,224 4,365,479 0.15
+25% Zugzwang's Left Sock 12,500,000 1,730,769 0.15
+16% 100 Pack of Lunar Lantern Candles 104,500,000 8,038,462 0.08
+155% Chrome Celestial Star Spire Trap Skin 43,333,332 3,333,333 0.08
+49% Polluted Chrome Monstrobot Skin 42,500,000 3,269,231 0.08
Chg% Item Current Price Daily Gold Volume Liquidity Index
-17% Infinite DnD Magic Mirrors Trap Skin 25,000,000 4,230,769 0.15
-40% Chrome Ghastly Scrap Cannon Trap Skin 22,000,000 7,068,376 0.23
-36% Horrifying PrinceBot Trap Skin 11,994,444 3,298,290 0.23
-6% Infinite Dark Extraplanar Portals Trap Skin 15,000,000 10,000,000 0.54
-59% Creepy Coffin Trap 1,300,000 2,940,272 1.15
-4% Chrome Storm Wrought Ballista Upgrade Kit 69,000,000 122,803,882 1.92
-21% SUPER|brie+ Gift Basket 6,317,000 14,046,290 1.92
-8% Chrome School of Aquatic Ornaments Trap Skin 273,800 1,559,984 3.69
-30% Brilliant Water Jet Charm 1,003,636 5,012,012 4.00
-44% Sphynx Crystal 500,000 3,302,783 4.23
-41% Chrome Ice Angel of Freezing Trap Skin 200,000 1,212,226 4.46
-12% Essence of Destruction 1,872,500 10,289,403 6.31
-21% Legendary Snowy KingBot Trap Skin 230,000 1,815,949 7.23
-8% Fort Rox Portal Core 2,450,000 27,932,358 11.38
-20% Fort Rox Portal Console 1,677,017 26,452,571 12.31
-3% Enigmatic Core 461,851 6,457,083 12.92
-5% Geyser Smolder Stone 1,352,205 29,680,378 18.31
-13% Smart Water Jet Charm 510,908 11,904,611 21.00
-5% Giant's Golden Key 147,270 2,843,400 21.69
-13% Thermal Chisel 219,447 6,298,133 24.85
-2% Timesplit Rune 2,092,857 54,260,882 25.31
-3% Extreme Queso Pump Charm 199,219 6,133,650 30.08
-9% Gargantua Charm 32,483 1,113,676 36.38
-4% Stormy Clamembert Potion 220,538 9,235,307 41.62
-4% Queso Thermal Spring 122,237 5,448,788 42.15
-3% Dragon's Eye 689,342 30,066,268 46.85
-15% Sunrise Cheese 405,422 20,391,707 48.46
-5% Timesplit Charm 80,000 5,039,763 53.31
-25% Super Soap Charm 17,601 1,670,119 62.00
-37% Factory Repair Charm 42,439 7,120,085 107.08
-3% Ful'Mina's Tooth 3,785,519 441,658,460 115.46
-51% Soap Charm 10,501 1,982,775 120.23
-22% Drill Charge 178,415 23,501,890 130.46
-2% Forgotten Charm 38,999 4,421,974 172.31
-1% Golden Anchor Charm 27,221 6,080,737 220.08
-2% Rare Map Dust 2,744,566 731,064,202 257.92
-2% Adorned Empyrean Jewel 1,876,883 558,306,931 291.85
-3% Magnetic Charm Chunk 10,733 4,618,510 418.23
-17% Maki String Cheese 26,306 11,155,612 429.31
-61% Lucky Valentine Charm 6,005 6,484,873 432.77
-16% Drilling Dorblu Cheese 215,385 99,632,628 443.54
-6% Rift Extreme Power Charm 5,773 3,144,403 649.38
-29% Regal Charm 4,597 3,908,165 706.23
-1% Empowered Anchor Charm 3,541 2,710,461 753.08
-13% Rift Super Power Charm 2,103 1,967,742 879.15
-13% Dragon Ember Potion 89,324 81,426,434 943.15
-2% Quantum Quartz 7,291 6,368,547 963.15
-11% Rift Snowball Charm 1,800 1,789,497 976.77
-1% Tower Mana 11,014 10,208,411 1,055.85
-3% Ultimate Spooky Charm 7,288 8,162,610 1,070.92
-22% Extreme Spore Charm 2,354 2,636,738 1,098.00
-10% Moon Cheese 3,826 4,405,775 1,270.31
-5% Empowered SUPER|brie+ 16,644 21,258,251 1,294.77
-48% Divine Orb 554 1,970,907 1,323.23
-5% Magical String Cheese 19,764 28,278,666 1,464.00
-20% Super Cactus Charm 711 1,470,763 1,768.85
-2% Extreme Snowball Charm 3,501 6,409,870 1,793.69
-13% Enerchi Charm 4,013 8,064,005 1,920.92
-23% Unstable Charm 2,449 6,105,081 2,127.38
-2% Ancient String Cheese 13,262 23,668,452 2,181.00
-4% Rift Ultimate Snowball Charm 19,802 52,791,395 2,759.08
-3% Crescent Cheese 871 2,191,469 2,785.15
-1% Champion's Fire 38,683 109,728,073 3,119.69
-21% Flameshard 1,696 6,465,425 3,690.08
-39% Radioactive Blue Cheese 258 1,744,704 3,694.69
-10% Super Dragonbane Charm 24,888 109,204,725 4,226.62
-5% Glowing Gruyere Cheese 12,005 51,035,253 4,582.62
-3% Condensed Creativity 122,416 566,217,001 4,632.54
-23% Rift 2024 Charm 1,304 8,659,892 6,255.38
-20% Dragonbane Charm 11,376 172,609,549 11,886.85
-3% Festive Spirit 102,521 1,268,136,207 12,433.31
-5% Ultimate Snowball Charm 7,315 102,004,721 14,167.62
-2% Glazed Pecan Pecorino Cheese 52,560 903,243,422 15,475.00
-3% Calcified Rift Mist 4,942 83,465,382 16,603.46